Monday, November 06, 2006

VOTE! (plus minor updates)

I thought I just post a friendly public service reminder that tomorrow, Tuesday, November 7th is mid-term election day. Please please please exercise your civic duty and go vote.

•The past couple weeks have been a bit more low-key and it’s been nice to spend some time in Geneva after a few weekends of whirlwind travel. Last weekend I went and saw Clint Eastwood’s Iwo Jima film Flags of Our Fathers. While it wasn’t quite on par with Saving Private Ryan, I thought it was well-done and presented an unflinching view of the grim realities of war and essentially un-earned hero-worship. It was a bit strange to be watching a movie about American history in a foreign country, but it was also kind of nice.

•Around last Wednesday the weather took an abrupt turn to the cold (after Geneva’s mildest October ever on record). We’ve since been subject to nightly lows below freezing which is kind of annoying (though nothing I haven’t experienced before). Hopefully it’ll at least warm up a few degrees soon.

•Geneva has its own international film festival, though I wouldn’t say it has the highest pedigree. (It presents both TV and motion pictures, and among those featured this year were last season’s Geena Davis failure Commander In Chief and he new James Woods lawyer show Shark.) Anyway, I went with some of the other interns on Friday evening to see an American indie called Choking Man which I didn’t dislike. It was apparently directed by the guy who did the video for A-Ha’s "Take On Me” as well as the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie (go figure), and it had a great title sequence even if the pacing was a bit laborious and characters slightly exaggerated.

•On Saturday we celebrated former FI intern Nadia’s birthday by going out for fondue at the Chalet Suisse. It was my first taste of Swiss fondue and was just as delectable as the guidebooks would have you believe. Next I’ll have to try some raclette…

•This Sunday I’m headed to Dublin, Ireland for a mini-vacation along with one of the EAA interns. Can’t wait for my first pint of authentic Guinness!


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