Monday, October 30, 2006

Happy Halloween!

Halloween is my favorite holiday and it’s a little strange to be in a country where it isn’t really celebrated. Even so, the other interns and I celebrated on Saturday night with a party at the girls’ apartment. It was quite a good time and they did a fantastic job decorating.

This year I decided to do something relating to my adoptive country for my costume.

This is the 20 Swiss Franc bill (don’t know if I’ve mentioned it before, but Switzerland is not part of the EU and does not use the Euro; they have the CHF). The guy on it is Arthur Honegger, a composer from the country who also (at least on the bill) looks a little bit like old pictures I’ve seen of my grandpa Maurer.
As you can see, the Swiss like their money colorful and graphically busy. So I decided I would dress as the 20CHF bill.

Here’s a look at my costume. Cheap and easy.

Anyway, in keeping with the Halloween tradition of treats, I figured I’d share a couple Halloween mixes I made with everyone so you have something to listen to today and tomorrow.

Party Mix FROM HELL features a mix of indie/alt rock that is primarily enegetic or beat-driven (and Halloween-oriented)
Aaron’s Alternative Halloween Mix is a bit mellower and more moody

Enjoy, and remember, if you dress as a burrito tomorrow (that is, put foil somewhere on your body) you get a free burrito (or bol, or tacos...) at Chipotle. While I may not be able to take advantage this year, I hope you all do.

Happy Halloween!


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