More Fun With Labels
Since I mentioned the Franziskaner beer the other day, I figured I’d also share its fun label:

Also, last night Farhad and I were buying some groceries at Manor when we saw this bag of candy. It was too perfect for us not to buy (and post). The candy itself was surprisingly really good…

In other news, my Rolling Stone subscription made it here (surprisingly) without missing an issue. Still no signs of Entertainment Weekly. It turns out that Farhad and some of the other employees are big Lost fans too, so we will probably buy a season pass from iTunes when the new episodes start so we can keep up (since European TV is not aligned with U.S. schedules and it’s doubtful we’ll be getting satellite any time soon). Now if only I could find someone who likes the Office…

Also, last night Farhad and I were buying some groceries at Manor when we saw this bag of candy. It was too perfect for us not to buy (and post). The candy itself was surprisingly really good…

In other news, my Rolling Stone subscription made it here (surprisingly) without missing an issue. Still no signs of Entertainment Weekly. It turns out that Farhad and some of the other employees are big Lost fans too, so we will probably buy a season pass from iTunes when the new episodes start so we can keep up (since European TV is not aligned with U.S. schedules and it’s doubtful we’ll be getting satellite any time soon). Now if only I could find someone who likes the Office…
You like Lost? You are going to have to be my new best friend, since no one that I know watches it! We'll have to discuss all the mysteries and theories sometime!
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