Brussels, Belgium
I split my time in the city between sight-seeing and volunteering since some friends of friends were hosting a big “Serve The City” event that week. I had the opportunity to help paint at a refugee center and a children’s daycare. Despite the hard work, it was great to give back and meet some other people while in the city.
Unfortunately, on my first day in town, I got a call from my Californian friend Chris (who had interned in Geneva last summer). He and three friends from home were backpacking through Europe after graduating this year, and I was actually expecting to see them in Switzerland over the weekend when they’d be crashing at my place. However, while in Bruges Chris had his passport, Eurail pass and credit cards stolen so they returned to Brussels to get a new passport at the American embassy. Of course, this meant they needed a place to stay in Brussels and all the hostels were booked due to Serve the City. I mentioned the guys’ plight to the head of this service initiative and in a wonderful example of Christian fellowship, we were able to find volunteers to house the guys for that night which was really cool (plus I got to see them a few days early). Fortunately, the rest of my time in Brussels went smoothly and Chris and the guys were still able to make it to Geneva in time for the 4th of July.
All that being said, how about some photos of Brussels?

Comics are known as “BD” in French-speaking countries and are really popular in Belgium which gave birth to the Smurfs, Marsupialami and Tin Tin among others. I saw several buildings featuring the characters in wall paintings like this one.

Quite possibly the city’s most famous landmark, the Manneken Pis, which is in fact a child pissing.

I found it interesting that graffiti on public monuments is left standing. In Switzerland, this would be gone overnight.

From the city's great art museum: a Hieronymus Bosch detail. What a crazy, crazy man.

The Death of Marat. Even more amazing in real life than in art history class. Go figure.

Inside the brewing museum. It really wasn't much more than a video, but it was a comprehensive video and came with a free pint, so well worth it.

And finally, a gorgeous art nouveau building.