Art Brut in Geneva
To celebrate my quarter century of life on March 19th, I kicked off Easter weekend early with a show by British rockers Art Brut. It was my first visit to Usine, a fairly popular club near the lake and I enjoyed it quite a bit. The band themselves are a lot of fun — very tongue-in-cheek while still energetic and hook-laden. Though I’m now officially old (there’s a certain part of you that can convince yourself that 24 isn’t that far away from 18; 25 is definitely on the other side), I feel about the same as I did in high school (though maybe a bit wiser) so this show was more an affirmation of life than a reminder I’m no longer a student.
Anywho, here are a few photos from the show:

Anywho, here are a few photos from the show:

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