Riga, Latvia Part 3: Street Art + Art Nouveau
By now, it’s certainly quite obviously that I am interested in art and design in most of its forms. Lucky for me, then, that Riga has an amazing collection of Art Nouveau architecture, mostly designed by M Eisenstein (father of Sergei, the director who made Battleship Potemkin). Of course, there was also plenty of other random graffiti and street art around as well which I also enjoyed.

Rabbit near Matt’s apartment

Another creature in the same area I assume is by the same artist

Chuck Norris: no longer just an ironic cultural icon in America…

The first of the Art Nouveau photos, in case it isn’t blatantly obvious

I don’t know what this building is, but it was my favorite. The color scheme is understated beauty.

A detail from the same.

And finally, this has nothing to do with Art Nouveau, but it is a part of Latvian culture: Balsim is cough-medicine like liquor along the lines of Germany’s Jägermeister or Budapest’s Unicum. The locals drink it daily, literally "for their health.” While I was in Riga I tried it straight, in a hot drink with Black Currant juice, and in this Martini Cocktail. On my last evening in town I went to dinner with Matt and his girlfriend and we finished the night at “Balsim Bar.” It was a fun time and thanks to Matt, I even brought some back to Geneva and forced it on some friends during Poker…

The Balsim is the unsettling dark layer at the top of the drinks
All in all, a great trip, though after a few days of bitter wind and snow I don’t know if I could survive an entire winter in the Baltics.

Rabbit near Matt’s apartment

Another creature in the same area I assume is by the same artist

Chuck Norris: no longer just an ironic cultural icon in America…

The first of the Art Nouveau photos, in case it isn’t blatantly obvious

I don’t know what this building is, but it was my favorite. The color scheme is understated beauty.

A detail from the same.

And finally, this has nothing to do with Art Nouveau, but it is a part of Latvian culture: Balsim is cough-medicine like liquor along the lines of Germany’s Jägermeister or Budapest’s Unicum. The locals drink it daily, literally "for their health.” While I was in Riga I tried it straight, in a hot drink with Black Currant juice, and in this Martini Cocktail. On my last evening in town I went to dinner with Matt and his girlfriend and we finished the night at “Balsim Bar.” It was a fun time and thanks to Matt, I even brought some back to Geneva and forced it on some friends during Poker…

The Balsim is the unsettling dark layer at the top of the drinks
All in all, a great trip, though after a few days of bitter wind and snow I don’t know if I could survive an entire winter in the Baltics.
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