Just Watch the Fireworks
Yesterday marked my one-year anniversary in Geneva. While I actually arrived on August 12th (today), it was a Saturday and the day of the huge fireworks extravaganza marking the end of the Féte de Geneve. This year was quite a bit nicer (no rain or cold which is what greeted me upon my arrival) and the city was definitely more alive than I’ve seen it since, well, ever.

I met up with Chris, our summer Shema intern, in the afternoon and wandered around by the lake for a little while checking out the flurry of activity. For the most part, it was all food vendors, including this amazing cocktail set-up:

We then headed to Josh and Laura’s for a good-bye dinner for Chris—as he heads back to the OC (for real, bitch) today. It was a great evening of fellowship, fun and fireworks, which we watched from a field in Bellevue, a few miles down the lake from the city. While not quite as impressive (or photogenic) from such a distance, it was still an impressive display (save for the stange section scored to a Christmas medley). The finale (coming at about the 45 minute mark) was amazing, as the until-then dormant Jet d’Eau was brought to life amid a flurry of explosions:

Strange to think that it’s already been a full year since my arrival, yet thankfully not disconcerting. In two weeks I’ll be making my way back to the states for a month-long “sabbatical” before my second year here. I cannot wait for that trip, but I’m quite glad I had the chance last night to sit back and, to quote a Jimmy Eat World song title, “just watch the fireworks.”

I met up with Chris, our summer Shema intern, in the afternoon and wandered around by the lake for a little while checking out the flurry of activity. For the most part, it was all food vendors, including this amazing cocktail set-up:

We then headed to Josh and Laura’s for a good-bye dinner for Chris—as he heads back to the OC (for real, bitch) today. It was a great evening of fellowship, fun and fireworks, which we watched from a field in Bellevue, a few miles down the lake from the city. While not quite as impressive (or photogenic) from such a distance, it was still an impressive display (save for the stange section scored to a Christmas medley). The finale (coming at about the 45 minute mark) was amazing, as the until-then dormant Jet d’Eau was brought to life amid a flurry of explosions:

Strange to think that it’s already been a full year since my arrival, yet thankfully not disconcerting. In two weeks I’ll be making my way back to the states for a month-long “sabbatical” before my second year here. I cannot wait for that trip, but I’m quite glad I had the chance last night to sit back and, to quote a Jimmy Eat World song title, “just watch the fireworks.”
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